T & P
1) The
Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC)
Industry and
institute are the two major players in the development of any nation. The
institute work for the development of the students as per the need of the
industry. One of the challenges for the institutions in the present times isto
cope-up withpaceadvancement in technology. The excessive pace of technological advancement
has emphasized the need to integrate technological knowledge & skills in
education and training to expand employability of professionals. Interaction
between Institute and the Industry is widely recognized as an essential instrument
to train and develop the right kind of technical manpower necessary to sustain
and promote industrial and economic growth. III-Cell can be considered as the
platform for highlighting best industrial practices, latest technological
advancements and their implementation and impact on the Industry.
Institute partnership cell can provide a common platform for academia and
industry to work hand in hand for the all round development of students, their
employment and professional training. This cell will be highly beneficial for
all its stakeholders; the Institute, Industry, students and ultimately society.
Aurangabad is
the major industrial hub in state of Maharashtra, having many major National
and Multinational Pharmaceutical industries namely: Wockhardt Ltd, Lupin Ltd,
FDC Ltd, Shreya life Sciences, Ajanta Pharma, Mylon Pharmaceuticals, Atra
Pharmaceuticals, R V Life scinces, Adora Products, Glenmark ,Ethicon
(J&J),Indoco Remedies, Gebbs Healthcare Solutions and many more.
Now it is a need
of hour that industry and institute shall work hand in hand with better
interaction for mutual benefits.
To produce
highly expert and employable professional as per the requirement of industries
the college established Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC), which acts
as a focal point for better interaction between the institution and industry.
of the Cell:
Developing close links between
Industry and Institute by interaction programs to bring about improvement in
the development and performance of the students.
To develop Collaboration and
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with various Pharmaceutical Industries and
To accelerate placement and training
of students in Industries.
To invite various industries and
organizations for Campus Interviews.
To conduct Industrial Visits and
Industry Study Tour Programme (ISTP) for the students and faculty.
Organizing seminars, symposiums,
exhibitions and workshops on latest technological advancements.
To interact with R&D
Organizations for conducting joint research work involving faculty/scientists
and students/research scholars etc.
Personality development workshop for
students relating with soft skills (communication skills / personality
Widening and effectively
implementing the area of R & D and consultancy between the industries and
the Institute.
Guest lectures by eminent
personalities, academics, leading industrialists at regular intervals to update
the student’s knowledge.
To organize career development
programmes for the students.
sponsored by various Pharmaceutical industries and alumina of the college for
meritorious students;
1) Gold
medal for 1st merit in B.Pharm sponsored by Ajanta Pharma. Ltd.
2) Cash
prizes worth 10000/- for meritorious students sponsored by Atra Pharma.
3) Cash
prizes worth 10000/- for meritorious students sponsored by Wockhardt Limited
4) Gold
medal for 1st merit in M.Pharm sponsored by Ajanta Pharma. Ltd.
5) Cash
Prize worth 5000/- by Adora Products Limited, Aurangabad.
6) Cash
Prize worth 10000/- sponsored by Dr. P.S. Wakte, Head Department of Chemical Technology,
7) Late Shri Devidas M. Upasani memorial award
worth 5000/- Sponsored by Dr. C.D. Upasani, Principal SNJB College of Pharmacy,
Chandwad, Nasik.
8) “Vakti-Vishesh” Award Sponsored by Mr. Satishji Nagre worth Rs.5000/-
9) Gold Medal worth 5000/- Sponsored by M/s
Aryaansh Bio-Naturals Pvt Ltd Aurangabad
9) Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year 2021-22
10) Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year 2022-23
11) Number of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships 2021-22
12) Number of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships 2022-23
13) Students Progression Report 2018-2023
15) Placement letters
16) Additional Placement Documents