Institute Innovation Council

Institute Innovation Council

Y.B. Chavan College of Pharmacyestablished Institutions Innovation Council (IIC)on 25th November 2018 as per the directives from Ministry of Education, Government of India Innovation Cell.  The primary mandate of this initiative is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years.The IIC members have undergone the Innovation Ambassador training sessions arranged by MIC and till date the institute have 13 Innovation Ambassadors (11 basic and 7 advanced level).IICregularly conducts all the prescribed activities regularly with involvement of faculties and students.Further the College participates every year in NIRF Innovation category formerly Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)’ an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India. This ranking system is introduced to systematically rank education institutions and universities primarily on innovation related indicators. The College IIC has achieved 3.0 stars certification for 2022-23.The target for the next academic year 2023-24 of the IIC will be to secure 5-star rating.  

IIC Members 2023-24Click Here
Certificate 2021-22 Click Here
Letter of Appreciation 2021-22 Click Here
Certificate 2022-23
Click Here
Letter of Appreciation 2022-23Click Here
Click Here
Letter of Appreciation
Click Here
IIC Activity Reports 
  1. IIC Activity Report 2020-2021
  2. IIC Activity Report 2021-2022
  3. IIC Activity Report 2022-2023

Admission 2023-24